Developed by Experts

We know how important it is to be able to quickly access every appeal decision, not just a selected few.  In Appeal Finder we bring together our joint expertise in software and planning totalling over 40 years to help you find useful appeals in the haystack of appeal decisions produced by PINS. We can help you improve your prospects of success and become a better planner with a higher appeal success rate.

Planning Appeal News

We occasionally publish Helen's blogs on our news pages and LinkedIn page.

To find the latest appeal success rates by local planning authority and by Inspector see section 3 of the FAQs page (website navigation FAQs 3. & 4.) Useful evidence on housing demand & housing needs to support residential development is also accessed from the bottom of our FAQs page (see website navigation FAQs 6. & 7.)


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Steve Howie, BSc (Hons), M.A., Technical Director LinkedIn-Blue_logo-26.png                        Helen Howie, MA (Hons), M.C.D, Planning Director LinkedIn-Blue_logo-26.png

Using the Power of the Internet

We aim to leverage the power of the internet to search information to provide a cost efficient service at your fingertips.  We don't have a big swanky tower in the center of London to pay for for with teams of credit controllers and sales staff, we are a small nimble operation offering you as much as possible at the best price possible. For detailed information check out our Terms and Conditions.

Also available are our Cookies Policy and Customer Privacy Notice.

Contact us

Drop Helen an email at or
Tel: 01743 818471

Howie Associates Ltd, Companies House Registered No. 04745518
Registered Address: Lloyds Bank House, Bellingham, Hexham, Northumberland NE48 2AZ